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Hand Pile of Happy Group

ימי הגיבוש שלנו

ימי גיבוש לחברות

לחצו על הלוגו לפרטים על ימי הגיבוש המוצעים לחברה. נדרשת סיסמה כדי לצפות בפרטים

אנו בונים ימי גיבוש בהתאם לצרכים ומספר מטרות

  • עומדים בתקציב

  • מותאמים לאנשי הקבוצה

  • משיגים גיבוש ואתנחתא

  • מותאמים למטרות ארגוניות או חברתיות נוספות שמספקות ערך מוסף

  • מגיעים למקומות שקשה לכם להגיע, לארגן או לחשוב עליהם לבד

  • כוללים אוכל טוב ותחושת פינוק והשקעה

  • מגוונים לפי רצונות הקבוצות בין אתגר, אקטיביות, סדנאות, לימוד, פיתוח, צ'יל או כמה מרכיבים ביחד.

לוגו צעד קדימה - חוויות ותוכן

אנו בונים ימי גיבוש בהתאם לצרכים ומספר מטרות

לוגו צעד קדימה - חוויות ותוכן

We offer unique personally customized as well as pre-designed experiences in Israel for every type of group and age range. Let your delegates experience the country, its people and landscapes in a way that only "A Step Forward" can provide.

 A Step Forward will unravel for you our amazing multi-faceted country – its history, multi-cultural and ethnic nature, varied landscape and climate, delicious cuisines, varied entertainment options, and much more.

We believe in interactive experiences and informal encounters with people relevant to your group's discourse. This includes being part of the cultural experience through direct get-togethers and discussions with relevant figures, active engagement, leading to in-depth personal and group insights.

We are experts in customizing various concepts into unique content and plan.

טעימות מימי הגיבוש

כל הגיבושים

"…And they wandered 40 years in the desert…

"…And they wandered 40 years in the desert…

The three monotheistic religions were forged in the desert, which was, and continues to serve as a cornerstone, inspiration and a model for so many people.

Through our mutual journey, you will experience the traditional desert way of life, such as survival experiences, desert-based cooking, camel riding and goat herding. We will use the desert’s bounty to create unique items, enjoy a musical show and cope with desert conditions’ experiences.

We will meet, first-hand, people and communities who chose to live in the desert. We will learn about water scarcity and agricultural development in saline soil while discovering how these communities combined inspiration, creativity, vision and fulfillment in the Israeli desert.

• This journey can be combined with visits to Jordan and Egypt or the Sinai Peninsula.

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Travel in time                  
Roots into the future

Travel in time
Roots into the future

Israel’s history spans across more than over 5,000 years. Many rulers and kingdoms have passed through this land; each had made sure to leave a mark that is evident to this day.

Israel is a living history lesson, and we’ll tour the country and travel back along the timeline of this ancient land. Through various activities, we’ll experience the life, culture and event of each era and see how their impact can be felt today

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Israel – “Know from where you came,  and where you are going”

Israel – “Know from where you came, and where you are going”

Israel’s journey weaves history, society and culture together in an ever-lasting process of development and progress, ranging from ancient relics to today’s high-tech nation.

Our journey begins with advanced archaeological excavations that offers us a glimpse back in time, as we travel through sites that still operate the same way they did thousands of years ago. Familiar stories, ranging from biblical to modern history, will come alive right before our eyes, until we ultimately experience today’s advanced and world-leading country.

Some of the amazing experiences during the delegation’s program will be:

Sites and trails connected to various points in our cultural past

Touring sites from the time of establishment of the State of Israel

Using a flight simulator and participating in a modern military experience.

Learning about science and tech advancements that will affect the entire world.

Enjoying international art shows.

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A religious  meeting point

A religious meeting point

Meet the communities that make up the multi-faceted society of Israel; the different ethnical Jewish communities, Muslim and Christian Arabs, Druze, Bahá'í, Circassians and more.

For thousands of years, Israel has been a center for both pilgrims and settlers. This contrast has played out on the stage of history, as on one hand rulers traditionally sought to dominate the Holy Land and establish religious centers here, while on the other hand it became a safe haven for persecuted peoples and refugees.

Encounters and discussions with leading speakers will highlight the key role Israel plays for so many religions and people.

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Israel - a social melting pot

Israel - a social melting pot

A social and personal journey through the depths of Israeli society.

The journey includes several hands-on tools, individual and group challenges, one-of-a-kind personal encounters, social meetings and group discussions.

Along the way we’ll learn how dilemmas, difficulties, needs and responses impact social and personal issues. These encounters will enable us to identify and define the values and issues important to us, as well as bring to light our motivations.

Some of the events and workshops include:

Mind-blowing tours of relatively unknown and rarely-visited places. Notable encounters will be with settlers, former ultra-orthodox Jews, evacuees of Gush Katif, representatives of the Samaritan and Karaite Jewish communities, the African Hebrew Israelite Nation of Jerusalem (Kehilat Ha’Ivriyim), ecological settlements and other minorities.

Interactions with groups that have distinct backgrounds such as gender-based groups, people with disabilities, groups with addiction issues, at-risk youth, and new immigrants.

Listening to speakers with relevant backgrounds such as: reporters, artists and members of the security, defense and intelligence community.

Workshops where we will practice "thought flexibility", "motivation versus avoidance", "strength" and "stepping out of our comfort zone".

Engaging in challenging activities such as building rafts and sailing them in the river, a high-altitude extreme park / canyoning, communal cooking, and creative workshops.

I'm Interested!
Israel as a center of innovation and uniqueness

Israel as a center of innovation and uniqueness

In 75 years of existence, Israel had to establish and invent itself in many areas, ranging from desert farming, startups, security, medicine, art and food. 

During our journey we will be exposed to different aspects of the Israeli development, learn of unique ventures,  and meet with inspiring  people

Among the encounters and workshops to take place

•Peres Innovation Center - Exhibition and meeting with an entrepreneur.

•Desert Agriculture - Visit to the Negev Agriculture Research and Development Center. A visit to Kibbutz Hatzerim which still maintains a contemporary kibbutz community, and developed a world-renowned sprinklers and spray irrigation technology (Netafim), and a visit to one of the solar farms in the Negev.

• The one of a kind - Dead Sea. We will visit the Visitor Center, 430 Gallery Graffiti and a boat or kayaks cruise of the dead sea, to experience its unique natural phenomena

•Security - The confrontation of a small army facing terrorist organizations and surrounded by enemy states - a visit to a military base or a flight simulator, meeting with a news reporter - explaining the issues of the tunnels in Gaza and Lebanon and the Iron Dome defense system.

•Art - the international kibbutz dance company, the Grafity border wall with Lebanon and a visit to the Tefen Museum, a culinary tour that will unravel the development of the world-renowned Israeli culinary culture.

•Medical research – visiting a top-notch medical research company 

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Security and politics

Security and politics

As the State of Israel is a Western country surrounded by Arab countries, some of which are still in hostile relations and host terrorist organizations, it leads to dealing with a sensitive and complex security and political situation. This journey exposes us to security and political dilemmas that Israel faces  through experiential activities and encounters with people.

Among the encounters and activities

• A tour of Gaza-adjacent areas  with a glimpse to the way people live with the constant threat of missiles, the evacuation of Gush Katif, 

   the tunnels, the Iron Dome and a meeting with a news 

   correspondent covering Gaza and the West Bank

•Judea and Samaria - The Green Line and the Separation Fence. Who are the Arabs of Israel and the complexity in which they live? 

     Meeting with an Israeli intelligence figure, and with Israeli Arabs     

•Military experience " Fauda" – for 2 hours we will become a special anti-terrorism unit 

•Ancient and modern settlements and sites beyond the Green Line such as the Balcony to Israel from Pduel, ancient Shilo, winery, University of Ariel and Mt. Kida.

•The northern border - a tour of Rosh Hanikra, and the border fence with Lebanon with spray-painted murals for Nasrallah

The municipal line in Jerusalem - a city divided during the 1950s and 1960s between Israel and Jordan, and then between Israelis and Palestinians. The current border crossings to Jordan and the relations with Jordan

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